January 2023

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1 John 2:15-17; A Call To Not Love

As we continue in our series through the Epistle of 1 John, Pastor Isaac talks about how our call to love God leads to not loving the things of this world. 

December 2022

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Advent, Week 4: Jesus Came to Bring Abundant Life (John 10:10)

This Christmas morning, we finish our Advent series "Reason for the Season" by seeing that Jesus came to bring life, and life abundantly. 

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Candlelight Service: Jesus Came to Bring Light (John 12:46)

We continue our Advent sermon series by seeing that Jesus came to bring light into the world, so that people may see God. 

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Advent, Week 3: Jesus Came to Proclaim Liberty (Luke 4:18-19)

This week, we continue our Advent series by seeing that Christ came to proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed. 

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Genesis 27:1-29; “The Theme of Blessing”

Tonight, we continue our series "threads in Genesis", where we look at themes woven throughout the book. Tonight's theme is "Blessing".