May 2023

3 John 9-15; Diotrephes & Demetrius

Today, as we look at the final verses of 3 John, we learn about what it means to be a healthy church by considering what John has to say about these two men. 

Proverbs 3:21-35; The Father’s Fourth Letter

This evening we consider the seven "Do Not" commands which the father gives in way of instruction to his son. 

3 John 1-4; Prosperity and Good Health

Today, as we start our study through the book of 3 John, we consider how the Christian should view health and wealth in light of eternal matters. 

Psalm 121:1-8; Lift Your Eyes

Today, Pastor Trent speaks during Multi-Gen Service about trusting in God in our times of need. 

April 2023

2 John 4-13; Life in Community

Today, we finish our study through the book of 2 John as we consider what it has to say on the kind of community we should be as a Church family.